TechTrain 2004

National TechTrain Conference Adelaide, South Australia
July 1-2 2004

TechTrain 2004 GrowingTogether



Papers and Presentations

Conference Slideshow

Other conference images

Pre-Conference Programme

Answers to Dinner Quiz and Poems

Plenary Speaker - Dr Michael Kokkinn, Uni SA

Hosted by TechNet SA, representing the technical staff of the University of Adelaide, the University of South Australia, and Flinders University of S.A.




Follow the hyperlinks on each title to view the presentation, Follow the hyperlinks on Paper to view submitted papers


Effective work practices

New applications & design

Occupational Health & Safety

Science and Engineering

The Art-Science Collaboration
Gary Cass, UWA




Developing a New System for Managing Assets and Orders
Ghada Hanna, UNSW



Electrical testing of equipment to comply with Australian standards & OHS&W legislation - our experience Sue Briggs, UniSA



How to be a good university research technician?
Li Zheng, UQ


Getting it right the first time by adopting quality assurance systems processes
Peter Kay, UA



Establishing a new research facility – Flinders Advanced Analytical Laboratory
Lyn Spencer, FUSA



Electrical safety testing in 2004 – doing more with less
Bruce White, FUSA



The Electric Bicycle Project Including an Investigation of Human Cycling Performance
Stuart Brand, UA



Time Management
Catherine Kennedy, UNSW





Development of a new apparatus for the assessment of health impact from exposure to fire combustion products
G. Chattopadhyay et al, UNSW



Taking the risk out of risk assessment
Robyn Buck & Mark De Glas, UQ





Outside the Comfort Zone – Technical Development in Thailand
Gary Rasmussen & Les Dawes, QUT




Managing change – the provision of technical services in Biology
Lyn Spencer, FUSA




Career development
Taking advantage of staff development opportunities – a personal experience
Allan McLennan, FUSA




OH&S – How it affects us on the ground
Melinda Elith & Jane Easton, UTS




Quality Forum

Getting Smarter About Quality
Tony Woods & John Urquart, Griffith University





Innovation displays

Out with the Cold and In With the New – Designing a Glasshouse Complex
Gemma Armstrong et al, UTS

Soft Management: The Dilbert Approach to Admin
Steven Beames, Griffith U




Effective work practices

Information Technology

Occupational Health & Safety

Health Science

Strategies for effective safety committees
Lynn Ferris, UNSW




Hyper-active directories: adding intelligence, inference & automation to directory content with amber
Paul Gardner-Stephen, FUSA



Student Placements: What are the Responsibilities and Where Do they Lie?
Peter Berry-Smith, UA




A novel teaching use for pathology museums
Sandy Weeks, FUSA





Strategies and models for effective consultation and communication Veronika Tatarinoff, UNSW




Adelaide University Help Desk : looking from the inside out -
The Help Desk Perspective
Greg Powell, UA



Technical support

The Change in Technical Support in Psychology
Dean Davidson, UNE



Safe transport of Infectious Substances and Diagnostic Specimens by Air
Alana Hansen, FUSA



Merging university Departments, Schools & Faculties
When will the music stop?



Computer Aided teaching Suites(CATS) supporting students & staff with information technology Jonathon May & Vera Melissaratos, UA



Can Technicians be Good Guardians for the Undergraduate Science Toddler?
Daniel Kissell, UniSA




Engineering Services

Demonstration of Electrical Conductance Depth Probes for Wave Height Monitoring
Stan Whoite, UA


The two sides of auditing experiences - auditees and auditors
Kathryn Noble, UNSW



Flexible delivery - a useful tool for technical satff in a teachning environment.
Karen Lillywhite, FUSA



Growing Together:
Ask Other Tech Staff for Advice
Julie Gray, UOW



Special Presentation


Olive Oil – Technicians and Tasting
Peter Hayball, USA